Pratiksha S Pandere, Shubham S More, Vishwal V Kale, Dr. Sudarshan Nagrale and Amit V Pondkule
Triple negative carcinoma (TNBC) is outlined as cancer cells that don’t have steroid or progestin receptors and additionally absence of HER2 macromolecule (. i.e., The cells negative on all 3 tests). These cancers tend to be additional common in ladies younger than age forty, World Health Organization black or BRCA one mutation. The pathologic process potential in TNBC is comparable to it of alternative carcinoma subtypes, however these tumors ar related to a shorter median time to relapse and death. One necessary goal is so the identification of prognostic factors and markers to dependably choose high and low risk subsets of patients aim. TNBC for various treatment approaches of subtypes with differential responsiveness to specific agents. These review focuses on the history of medical specialty and treatment of TNBC.
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