RB Singh
Water soluble seeds polysaccharide was extracted from Cassia javanica Linn. on acid hydrolysis with sulphuric acid and obtained hydrolysate on paper chromatographic analysis led to separation of D-galactose and D-mannose in 1:2 molar ratio. Purified seeds polysaccharide was reduced after periodate oxidation with sodium borohydride and sulphuric acid by Smith degradation method. The obtained hydrolysate produced polyalcohols as glycerol and erythritol in 1.00:2.05 molar ratio along with D-mannose by paper chromatography. The derivatives of polyalcohols were produced from seeds polysaccharide as glycerol-tri-O-p-nitrobenzoate and tetra-O-tosyl-erythritol. The absorbance of polyalcohols were recorded in photoelectrocolorimeter at 540mµ for glycerol and erythritol.
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